Personal empowerment/development is a major focus for Taking Shape. Using elements paramount to Martial arts, Taking Shape endeavours to take skills such as, focus, determination, positive work ethic, self-confidence to transfer into other aspects of life e.g. work, education, building healthy relationships & self-care (physical & emotional) strong mind strong body!
Past & present projects include:
Working with local councils, social services, community organisations & gaining funding
Pause project
Taking Shape has been working with this ladies group for over 4 years from early years from when it started. It has grown to be one of our favourite projects and very rewarding.We deliver one to one training for confidence building, fitness and self defence to group classes including Zumba, Yoga, Taichi, Dance.
Young Hackney
Youth engagement & Anti-bullying training (ages 7-18)
Working with kids/teens from the ages of 6 yers old to 18 providing quality martial arts Boxing, Karate, Muay Tai, kick boxing, Kung Fu and MMA ((mixed Martial arts). A provision we have supplied for over 3 years an proven to be a hit with all who attend. working with the hubs delivering these provisions with Ex Boxing Champions and Top lvel Martials arts brings a quality service.
Tai Chi: over 50’s and general classes
Working along side Hackney learning trust helped us to define and fine tune our projects by giving us a platform to work from. One of our main projcts was taihi for over 55's bringing maximum benefits to the senior group and to help them to gentle exercise ad still be able to function and do things for themselves.
Intergenerational sessions, encouraging community cohesion
Work Skills Improvement
Working with individuals out of work to build life skills, enhance work skills and interview techniques and delivering coaching. The inclusion of fitness sessions to show that being fit and healthy goes a long way to improving mindset and focus an general good feeling. This project was funded with the help of awards for all
After school clubs
Providing Martial arts and more to school for Kids from the ages of 4-11 years of age in and around Hackney. it has been a long road with the schoolS one of Taking Shapes first ever projects and Taking shape was founded from after school activities.
Dark Shadow Kung Fu Classes, 3 x per week
Kung-Fu: age 4yrs to over 50’s (children’s classes are a joint effort with parents to curb unnecessary behaviour in class, in their school life and at home);
Engaging children & elders, creating a safe and positiv space to train and build a intergenerational team
•School & Youth Club engagement, bringing classes direcly to the children & young adults that need to be engaged
Princess May Primary School Hall 85 Barrett's Grove, Stoke Newington, London N16 8AP
Tues & Thursday 7-9pm & Sat 3pm – 4.30pm
•Workshops & holiday provisions
•Youth Club sessions
•Mixed ability classes (able bodied & disabled children together)
•After school clubs (primary & secondary)